Release Notes - 20th Jan 2022

API to ZenDesk

Now, the Valor portal has the feature of Zendesk Integration. From this release, ISO can board their Zendesk information during boarding under the Integration tab as below,

ISO Boarding

For ZENDESK integration, we need below three information

  1. Subdomain
  2. Email ID
  3. API Token

All are generated from the Zendesk environment. Just we must pass that information over here.


Once, Admin enrolls the information during ISO boarding. ISO a receives the tickets from their merchant through Valor and Zendesk platform as well.

From there, they can update the ticket and the same will be reflected in Zendesk as well.


Server / Clerk Information in Transaction Grid and Receipt

  • In Transaction Grid, we can the Clerk / Server Information in terms of Name and ID over there and the same can be viewed from Receipt and Export as well.
  • We can be able to filter the Clerk or Server info from the filter as well.

VT – Payroc

If BIN Enabled and Enable For Debit Disable, then we won’t charge any surcharge for Debit Card transaction.


If Include Tax enabled and Apply fee with tax disabled, then we will calculating surcharge for Base amount and Tax amount.


If Include tax and Apply fee with tax both are enabled, then we will be calculating surcharge for Tax and base amount separately. But, the net amount remains same as above approach as well.


Status for the Mid-transaction Process

Now, we have the ability to know the transaction which is all under Processing.

This is avoiding the confusion of Declined status and changing to Approved Status.


Parameter Option Change Based on Device

Based on device type, we are manipulating the parameter as below scenario,

1. If the device type is VL100, the below options will be hidden from the Terminal and Transaction section
b.Sleep time
2. If the device type is VL110 and VL500, the below options will be hidden under the Terminal and Transaction section
a.External PIN Pad Support

Confirmation When Leaving the Page While Editing

While editing the information on User management or Merchant Management, when clicking on another menu, the user will get an alert to LEAVE THE PAGE.


Engage My CustomerTM Enhancement for Wishes

Now, Merchant can add their customer’s special dates (Birthday date or Anniversary Date or both) under Engage My CustomerTM.The respective customer will get a message from Valor for the Wishes on behalf of the Merchant.

ISO Sim Billing

Now, we have added the SIM count as well in the ISO Billing. If ISO have the SIM from Valor, that will be available in Billing from next cycle.

The respective charges for SIM can be able to add / change by Admin in Billing section.


Amount Format in Settlement Report and Transaction Grid

Now, all over the VALOR Portal, the amount format is unified as a standard format.

Ex: $1,000.00


v2.1.57.01 Jan 2.0 release image 20.1

Fast Transaction Option

We have managed the device to bypass the receipt check. When Fast Transaction option is enabled in device management, the respective devices won’t ask for the Receipt for both Merchant and customer. IT will directly through the transaction.

This solution would helpful for many Merchants to ease their transaction flow.


Forced Signature Line

We have added a parameter for Forcing the Signature Line. If we enable the option, the Signature Line will be printing without checking any condition.


E-Invoice Declined Notifications

  • In Portal, Merchants can able to know the E-Invoice Declined transaction from the Notification.
  • The Notification will get opened by clicking on the Bell Icon

Pay now Surcharge Calculation

We are calculating Surcharge for the Pay Now transaction as well.

Ex: If the Pay now transaction initiated for $100. We will be charging $104 (4% – Surcharge) from the customer who paid from the pay now link.


Pin Map

We have updated the device management with device located Map as well.

When the device is getting boarded, we are fetching the Address and ZIP code from the boarding information and broadcast the real address when selecting the respective device from Device Management.


Logo Converting Automatically to PNG

Internally, we are converting all the images to PNG.

This will rectify the problem by seeing the images on different platforms like Mobile, Web, Desktop application, tablet and Laptop.

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