New Features
- The ‘Package download’ option under Favorites is renamed as ‘Updates’ for VL100, VP100, and VL300 terminals.
- POS terminals now print customer receipts only with the customer’s consent, while auto-generating Merchant copies.
- Merchants can customize receipt headers for cash sales processed via third-party apps on POS terminals.
- A new “Standalone” button on the Valor Connect home screen allows direct POS transactions, disabling Virtual Terminal Pin Pad until Valor Connect is turned off.
- VP800 terminals can now send e-mail receipts by enabling the “E-Mail receipts” toggle in the Valor Portal.
- Merchants can adjust tips for credit transactions but not for cash, debit, or refund transactions, with clear prompts displayed on-screen.
- Sales processed with Valor Connect in Virtual Terminal now display the same payment options as Virtual Terminal transactions.
- Merchants can attach e-invoices to transactions using the “Upload” button, which includes the invoice in the customer’s confirmation email.
- PayNow links now have limits: $5,000/day, $1,000/transaction, 15 same-amount transactions/day, 100 total transactions/day, and mandatory Captcha verification, configurable under “Default/PayNow Link” in Virtual Terminal.
- POS terminals now display “Credit” and “Debit” instead of “Card” and “Cash” in the BIN-based Dual Pricing model and Surcharge profiles.