Merchant Management
- Users can now view, add, and delete operators associated with a merchant via the vertical ellipsis in the merchant snapshot.
Virtual Terminal
- A merchant now has the ability to permanently delete a card on file.
- Additional data from Virtual Terminal transactions such as phone, email, invoice # & product descriptions is displayed.
Device Management
New settings allow merchants to:
- Require a password for refunds above a set threshold.
- Enable/disable the cash option on terminals.
- Adjust the allowable tip percentage (0%-500%).
- Choose whether tax is included in non-cash charges.
- Decline or notify AVS mismatches with an approval option.
POS Terminal
- Transactions can be split anyway the customers decide instead of equal splits.
- When a Pin Pad is connected, the Merchant has the ability to do manual card entry on the Host Terminal or the Pin Pad.
- By clicking the Version number in the Portal, users will be able to review Valor updates as they are released.