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Keep data fresh and accurate
with automatic updates
Maintain accurate and up-to-date payment information. Designed for the modern-day changing globalized fintech industry needs and security requirements, Valor Updater ensures your transactions proceed quickly with minimal interruptions.
Accurate customer payment card data is critical for merchants accepting recurring payments. Outdated information leads to declined transactions and additional expenses, prompting payment switches and service cancellations. Valor Updater tackles this issue head-on, automating customer card information updates to provide an effortless payment experience for cardholders.
Valor Updater is the ultimate solution for reducing card declines and preventing customer loss due to expired card details. The secure and compliant platform simplifies keeping payment card data accurate, reducing declined transactions and authorization fees.
Reduced declines mean more successful transactions, directly impacting your bottom line.
Automatic updates save time and money, reducing the need for manual interventions.
Provide uninterrupted service, fostering customer trust and loyalty.
Maximize opportunities for recurring or subscription-based transactions.
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