About Us

We are committed to enhancing your business operations by providing a reliable payment technology gateway, e-commerce solutions, and hardware to deliver a seamless and unified commerce experience.

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We improve your business by delivering reliable solutions.

At Valor, we understand the importance of reliable business solutions to improve your business. That’s why we offer innovative, advanced, and secure all-in-one payment technology solutions for ISOs, merchants, and new business owners.


Our commitment to excellence means continually improving our software systems and payment devices to provide you with the gold standard for intelligent, hassle-free transactions. In addition to being cost-efficient and intelligent, our value-added features and reliable service support ensure that we are the ideal partner for your business growth.


At Valor, we constantly push the boundaries of what’s possible to deliver the best solutions for your business needs. Whether you’re a small business owner or a large corporation, you can trust us to provide the technology and service you need to succeed.

Let's Get to the Heart of it—our Core Values.

Valor is an organization deeply committed to excellence. Our core values are the key to our success, and we strive to
embody them in everything we do. Our values are not just words on a page but are deeply ingrained in our culture and
guide our behavior inside and outside the company.



Innovation Icon

Innovation is one of our core values, driving us to constantly seek new and better ways of doing things. By being innovative, we can stay ahead of the curve and continue to provide our customers with the best possible products and services.



Colloboration Icon

Collaboration is another one of our core values, essential to our success. By working together, we can achieve more than we ever could alone. We encourage our employees to share ideas, work together on projects, and support one another to create a culture of collaboration.



Integrity Icon
Integrity is our most important core value. We believe honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior are essential to building trust with our customers, partners, and employees. We hold ourselves to the highest standards of integrity and expect the same from everyone we work with.
By fostering these values, we can create a culture of excellence that permeates everything we do. We are proud of our commitment to innovation, collaboration, and integrity; these values set us apart from our competitors.
Rise of Valor Paytech Banner
Valor PayTech was founded in 2019 to revolutionize the payment industry by providing secure, reliable, and user-friendly payment solutions to businesses of all sizes. By 2020, the company had developed an innovative payment ecosystem that was quickly adopted by businesses across the country. We continue to build on our success, expanding our network of partners and investing in new technologies.

Fast forward to 2023, and Valor has become a significant player in the payment industry, with over 100,000 connected devices. This growth resulted from an unwavering commitment to delivering high-quality payment solutions that meet customers’ needs. One critical factor for success was a strong focus on customer service. Valor PayTech listens to user feedback and improves the platforms and solutions to serve customers better. They continue to invest in security, safeguarding against the latest threats. These efforts have paid off, as Valor PayTech is now recognized as a payment industry leader.

Today, Valor PayTech remains committed to innovation, collaboration, and integrity. They continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in the payment industry, exploring new technologies and partnerships to serve their customers better. Their ongoing success is a testament to the power of hard work, dedication, and a commitment to excellence.

Valor's Journey: A Timeline of Milestones Leading to the Present

About Us 2019 Timeline


At Valor PayTech, we continuously strive to understand the future of the credit card processing industry and merchant needs. In 2019, we developed our Gateway, POS/Terminal systems, and Risk Monitoring System. Our innovative technique to credit card processing and the ISO sales system have enabled us to offer unparalleled services to our clients. Our advanced technology ensures that our clients experience seamless and secure payment processing.


Valor PayTech proudly announced the extension of our team with a strategic business division that will focus on expanding our capabilities across unified commerce solutions and delivering a seamless payments experience. As part of this initiative, we will partner with independent software vendors (ISVs) to offer easy-to-implement integrations and provide additional value to our customers. Our continued growth and commitment to innovation will enable us to stay at the forefront of the payments industry and deliver the best possible solutions to our clients.

2022 Timeline Banner
2023 Timeline Banner


Valor PayTech, a leading payment solutions provider, reached a significant milestone in 2023 by surpassing 100,000 connected devices. This achievement highlights our commitment to delivering innovative and secure payment solutions to our customers. We continue to invest in technology to enhance our products' functionalities and improve the user experience. Our focus on research and development has allowed us to maintain our position as a leader in the payment solutions market.

Our Leadership Team


Eric Bernstein





Daniel OConnell Profile 1

Daniel O'Connell


Todd Harris 052024

Todd Harris


Gene Schenberg

Gene Schenberg


Martin McMullin

Martin McMullian


Ashley Gordon 1

Ashley Gordon


Michael Grottano

Michael Grottano

Director of Partner Relations

International Team


Guhan M

Development Director


Pavunkumar G

Development Director


Thekkamalai G


Sathishkumar D

Sathishkumar D

Project Manager


Karthik Ramu

Mobile Team Manager


Madhan G

Solution Architect

Muthukumar M

Muthukumar M

Gateway Manager

Our Board Members

OB Rawls

OB Rawls

Board Member

Rajil Vohra

Rajil Vohra

Board Member

joining our team

Have what it takes to impact the future of payment technology?

Check out the open positions at Valor PayTech

Power up your workflow

If your business is looking for the perfect payment solution to help increase sales, we can help you!